Living by a busy street sure does have some disadvantages. After a long night at the pub, this irresponsible loser decided to drive himself home. Big mistake. As you're minding your own business, BOOM, his sorry sedan comes crashing through your wall. Luckily, you're not hurt, but you can't say the same for the stooge behind the wheel. Laying on his horn, he must be unconscious. You run outside to check on him, fully expecting a gruesome scene of guts and gore. The Car Through Wall Halloween animatronic will really catch your guests by surprise. Set a totally unrelated story in motion and activate this prop with absolutely no warning whatsoever. They'll shriek in fright and gasp for air before they realize it's all part of the show. Trigger this animatronic with a digital controller or a foot pad at the perfect moment for maximum effect. Crafted by the haunt experts at The Horror Dome, this incredible prop is easy to set up, and made from durable materials.