HH Solutions supply the new MX Gateway to allow you automatically transmit HOBO MX Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) logger data to Onset’s cloud-based HOBOlink software.
Remotely manage your data, set alarm notifications, and create custom dashboards, using Onset's cloud-based HOBOlink software
The HOBO MX Gateway is ideal for obtaining remote access to data from multiple HOBO MX data loggers monitoring indoor environments in office buildings, residential environments, warehouses, indoor growing facilities, server rooms, commercial fridges/freezers/cold rooms, museums, and more.
Just place the Gateway within a 30 meter 1(00-feet) range of one or more loggers and connect it to your local Wi-Fi or Ethernet. For larger sites more than one MX Gateway may be required.
- View and analyze data in HOBOlink from any HOBO MX BLE data logger connected to the MX Gateway
- Near real-time measurements transmitted to your HOBOlink dashboard
- Alarm notifications (out-of-range sensor, low battery, stopped logger, missing logger)
- Unlimited cloud storage via HOBOlink
- 30 meter (100-feet) line-of-site communication
- Wi-Fi & Ethernet connectivity
MX Gateway HOBOlink Service Plan (SP-620), at least one MX data logger and the HOBOmobile App (free download for and to connect to Wi-Fi or Ethernet, and a compatible mobile device.
Service Plan 1 Year Subscription is not included in Price of the MX Gateway.
SP-620 HOBOlink Service Plan One Year Subscription € 150.00 Plus Vat @23%
Please contact us directly for more information on your required plan