Safely effectively and quickly controls Aiptasia in the Reef Aquarium
- Use Instructions: Before using Aiptasia-X treatment in the aquarium, turn off all devices that cause water motion and leave off for approximately 15 minutes after administering the Aiptasia-X material. Shake the bottle vigorously. Assemble the needle to the syringe by rotating the needle until it locks in position. Insert the syringe needle into the bottle and fill the syringe with Aiptasia-X material. Slowly advance the tip of the needle closer and closer to the oral disk of the Aiptasia anemone to be treated while gently releasing small quantities of the material. Let the anemone tentades close over the needle. Spread the solution all over the anemone's oral disk. The tentacles will start to shrink and release the needle. It is important to cover the entire disk with material to prevent the release of the planulas. To treat small Aiptasia colonies, spread the solution all over the infected area. Treat as many anemones as possible in single treatment BA you need to refill the syringe with more material make sure that there is no salt water inside the syringe before placing it inside the Aiptasia-X bottle. Any residual solution can be left in the aquarium to decompose naturally. After completing the treatment and to prevent blockage in the needle, flush any residual material from the syringe with hot water.
- Storage Instructions: Store the Aiptasia-X at room temperature