America is on notice. A radical group called The Engineers has issued ablacklist: a series of deadly attacks that will be carried outunless America meets its demands. Sam Fisher has been given on rule inthis sweeping Splinter Cell saga: do whatever it takes to stop theattacks. Operate without limits in three play styles. Panthers strikequickly, then slip into the shadows. Assault players rely on instinctsand firepower. Ghosts go totally undetected. Use new black ops gadgets,including the Sticky Noisemaker, which can distract enemies or lurethem, and the Tri-Rotor, a dart-shooting scout drone. Use the StrategicMission Interface for co-op play, go team vs. team in Spies vs. Mercs,and more.
- Sam is back in his tactical suit and goggles, and hes moredeadly than ever. He is the only secret operative with the power to actabove the law, and uses ruthless methods to interrogate enemies inorder to extract crucial information that will prevent the nextBlacklist attack. Pursuing the terrorists to the far reaches of theworld, Sam flies from exotic locales to U.S. cities as he races againstthe clock to find out whos behind the Blacklist.
- Killing In Motion lets Sam strike with lethal precision bymarking and executing multiple enemies in one fluid motion. ActiveSprint allows him to traverse the environment easily and fluidly, climbwalls and leap over barriers in order to reach his next target while onthe move.
- Splinter Cell Blacklist innovates from the roots of thefranchise, and players can enjoy a series of twists on franchisefavorites including reinvented classic weapons. Infiltrate terroristcells by using new gadgets such as the upgraded snake cam andmicro-trirotor drone which allows Sam to scout ahead, mark targetsremotely, distract enemies, or explode with frag grenadeforce.
- Splinter Cell Blacklist is also bringing back fan-favoriteslike the sticky shocker, and for close quarters combat, players canwield the curved and brutal Karambit knife.
- With a mandate directly from the President, Sam is buildinga whole new Echelon unit; his team, his way. Anna Grim Grimsdottir ishis technical operations manager, CIA operative Isaac Briggs bringsadditional firepower, and resident hacker Charlie Cole rounds out hissupport crew. 4th Echelon is a fully mobile ops unit with unlimitedresources and cutting edge technology aboard the repurposed stealthairliner, the Paladin.
- Sam and his team are aware of terrorist attacks in realtime thanks to the Strategic Mission Interface (SMI). The SMI allowsthe team to receive data about mission objectives while on the move.Players can earn money for completing missions and objectives and buyupgraded weapons and items from the SMI hub aboard the Paladin.
- Players: 1-2 Players
- Required Hard Drive Space: 12 GB
- HD Video Output: 480p, 720p
- Compatibility: Dualshock 3 Controller,Headset
- PlayStation Network Features:Multiplayer, Leaderboards,Lobbies/Matchmaking, Messaging/Friend Invite In Game, Voice Chat,Add-On Content, Trophies
Item Condition: New